We saw prize-winning apples!

And inspected many fleeces (more on this subject anon)!

We swooned over sweet sheepy faces!

And marvelled at a row of giant butts!

At the end of the day we were rewarded with a lovely cow with silky ears! Her handlers had a fan set up next to her enclosure so her ear furnishings waved in the breeze.

The fleece auction was surprisingly exhilarating; Mel and I had a lot of (quiet, intense) fun making a slow circuit through the auction room examining each one and making notes on our cheat sheet. We didn't get our best beloved but did get our second-favourite, a massive handsome grey Romney-looking fleece from Gillian Mullins in Stirling. Today I washed a few locks to see what the deal was, and they are sturdy and glossy and long. Also bought were a shiny longwool fleece¹ and a creamy white Icelandic fleece I want to knit about twenty mittens out of.² It should be enough to last me until next November.
¹ What, we were curious. It placed sixth in its category and I felt sorry for the poor darling because it's lovely really; I promised it I'd make it into something pretty.
² Another One That Got Away was a beautiful moorit Icelandic lamb fleece. Sigh.
1 comment:
I washed a pile of the RomneyX fleece on Monday and oh my is it ever soft. I may kick my current spinning projects off the Lendrum and let this take over <3
Let's go see bunnies EVERY YEAR.
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