These are 13" blocks made out of reproductions of old Liberty prints (the fabric is Regent Street Lawn from Moda). I really like the look of plain old nine patches, but also wanted to play with pinwheels, so here we are.

Since the objective is to improve the pointiness of my points, I am cutting out all the triangles before piecing them together, no shortcuts allowed. Fortunately the fabrics are all busy enough that you really can't tell where the points don't line up nicely.
These ones will be alternated with corresponding blocks in the other nine patch configuration, except the alternate blocks will have some other pieced components. I'm leaning toward Broken Dishes.
And this is a movie-watching project:

Tumbling blocks are like slightly more elaborate hexagons! I printed off 1.75" diamonds from this generator, and here I am, going to town. The three fabrics in there are all from the same collection as the kitchen stuff, but these are going to end up in the living room. I have two throw pillows with sad polyester shells that need recovering with something attractive.