Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Today was windy, overcast, and intermittently drizzly, so we went to Port-la-Joye/Fort Amherst to admire the hawthorns and the earthwork ruins.

Fort Amherst - 5

The remains of the fort strongly resemble golf course obstacles, especially since Parks Canada keeps them mowed.

Fort Amherst - 3

There were also pretty woodland and meadow plants in abundance to complement the hawthorn spikiness, and I am completely satisfied with the trip. These berries are the fruits of lilies, and are a startling dark greyblue!

Fort Amherst - 7

And the remnants of this year's Queen Anne's Lace yarrow are everywhere.

Fort Amherst - 4

It is a perfect cool afternoon for settling in outside with warm woollen knitting, so I am planning some quality time with Macausland 2-ply Medium project #2. I'm not ready to show it off to anyone yet, but look at the colour—it's a warm grey-brown that changes with the light. The woollen-spun yarn is reasonably smooth in the hank, but it bursts into bloom with blocking and creates fabric that's thick and supple and light and warm. Perfect.

Greybrown Macausland

1 comment:

Leanne said...

Are you sure that is Queen's Anne Lace and not Yarrow? The Yarrow is blooming here and the QAL is not even opened yet. Looks very pretty there.